Constitutionalism, Democracy And The Never-Ending Tension: How The Marriage Equality Litagation In The United States Of America Has Undermined The Backlash Hypothesis

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Alessandra Prezepiorski Lemos


This paper aimed to carry out an analysis of the backlash phenomenon and its impact on the development of the marriage equality litigation in the USA. Through this methodological approach, it was possible to deconstruct some assumptions about the judicialization of social demands. It was proved that not only the social movements take into consideration the backlash hypothesis, but also that they make a positive use of it. Furthermore, it was showed that advances and setbacks are part of the democratic game, part of the tension between Constitutionalism and Democracy, and that the backlash is another part of this dispute.



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How to Cite
Lemos, A. P. (2016). Constitutionalism, Democracy And The Never-Ending Tension: How The Marriage Equality Litagation In The United States Of America Has Undermined The Backlash Hypothesis. Revista De Movimentos Sociais E Conflitos, 2(2), 59–78.
Author Biography

Alessandra Prezepiorski Lemos, Mestranda no Programa de Pós-graduação em Direito pela Universidade Federal do Paraná

Mestranda no Programa de Pós-graduação em Direito pela Universidade Federal do Paraná. Bacharel em Direito pela UFPR (2015).


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