Entrance and permanence of foreigners for reasons of economic interest

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Diana Marín Consarnau


The aim of this report is to analyze how Spanish Law has implemented specific measures to recognize the potential of migrant entrepreneurship or investor for more economic growth. In that sense, Entrepreneurs Law 14/2013 tends to facilitate public support for migrant entrepreneurs to ensure that entrepreneurship and
business growth or investment are not adversely affected because a viable business is unable to access appropriate visas o residence permissions. The way is to create different types of new visas or residence permissions for economic reasons. However, according to Foreigners Law it is difficult to maintain that these provisions are
clear or known by applicants. The reason is that visas and residence permissions are already covered in foreigners legislation, so Entrepreneurs Law could generate a regulatory overlap and add confusion to regulated situations in their logical regulatory


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How to Cite
Consarnau, D. M. (2015). Entrance and permanence of foreigners for reasons of economic interest. Revista De Direito Brasileira, 11(5), 150–154. https://doi.org/10.26668/IndexLawJournals/2358-1352/2015.v11i5.2941


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