The Influence of ILO Conventions on National Law and the Search for Decent Work: Analysis of LC Nº 150/2015 in the Light of the Convention N. 189 from ILO

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Ana Isabella Bezerra Lau
Veruska Santana Sousa de Sá


It is increasingly frequent the interdisciplinarity of domestic law and international law in the treatment of certain issues. Among them will be addressed in this study the new threat which submits the worker: denial of rights due to the hegemonic power of capital; threat that has existed throughout history, but now shown revamped under the neoliberal internationalized economy. Through deductive method of approach, this study will seek to demonstrate that, in times of dynamic scenarios and volatile relationships, domestic law and even the classic international law deserve to be also energized, demonstrating thereby that international standards, even those not had been formally ratified, and which translate as 'soft law' can influence in state decision making and legislation. Analyzes it, specifically, the Convention No. 189 of the ILO, which until that date had not been ratified by Brazil, and its influence on Supplementary Law No. 150 of 2015, in the quest for the promotion of decent work to the category of domestic workers.


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LAU, Ana Isabella Bezerra; SÁ, Veruska Santana Sousa de. The Influence of ILO Conventions on National Law and the Search for Decent Work: Analysis of LC Nº 150/2015 in the Light of the Convention N. 189 from ILO. Revista de Direitos Fundamentais nas Relações do Trabalho, Sociais e Empresariais, Florianopolis, Brasil, v. 1, n. 1, 2015. DOI: 10.26668/IndexLawJournals/2526-009X/2015.v1i1.957. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 dec. 2024.


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