Public Politics of Health and Aspects of its Judicialization

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Rafael Fernando dos Santos
Angelina Cortelazzi Bolzam


This article was elaborated in order to analyze issues relating to the judicialization of cases involving health, understanding health as a public policy aimed at to guarantee the fundamental right to it linked, that is, the concept of health that the authos intended to work is not far from that contained in the combined reading of Articles 6 and 196 of the Constitution, consecrators to be the health, universal right and duty of the state, guaranteed through social and economic policies aimed at to reduce the risk of disease and other becomes, ensuring also the universal and equal access to actions and services for its promotion, protection and recovery. With this approach it is intended to analyze the feasibility and consequences of judicial control of social and economic policies of promotion, protection and recovery, access, anyway, the effective flow to the fundamental right. Relating to the methodological aspects employed in the analysis of the issue concerning to the health, it was searched in the interpretation of constitutional provisions that secure the subjective right the starting point of the analysis as well as the unwavering appreciation of inseparability of judicial control in the context of public policy, assessing possible limits of the judicial branch, and then to realize a brief analysis of previous trial in the Supreme Court and extract from this jurisprudencial context the minimum goals for aspects of health judicialization.


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How to Cite
Santos, R. F. dos, & Bolzam, A. C. (2015). Public Politics of Health and Aspects of its Judicialization. Revista De Direito Sociais E Políticas Públicas, 1(1), 273–288.
Author Biographies

Rafael Fernando dos Santos, Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba, UNIMEP

Mestrado em andamento em Direito na Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba, UNIMEP.

Angelina Cortelazzi Bolzam, Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba, UNIMEP.

Mestre em Direito na Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba, UNIMEP.


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