Constitutional Model and Rationality in Judicial Decisions from Proportionality Technique

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Thiago Alves Feio


In the current legal systems, the content of the Constitutions consists of values that serve to limit state action. The department in charge of the control of this system is, usually, the Judiciary. This choice leads to two major problems, the tension between democracy and constitutionalism and the subjectivity that control. One of the solutions to subjectivity is weighting of principles through the proportionality technique, which aims to give rational decisions. This technique doesn’t eliminate subjectivism, because there is no objective application with predefined values. However, it provides requirement of a strong legal argument in the grounds of the decision.


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How to Cite
Feio, T. A. (2016). Constitutional Model and Rationality in Judicial Decisions from Proportionality Technique. Teorias Do Direito E Realismo Jurídico, 2(1), 289–308.
Author Biography

Thiago Alves Feio, Centro Universitário do Pará - CESUPA, Pará.

Mestrando em Direito no Centro Universitário do Pará 


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