Prospects of Brazilian Civil Procedure Law from the Study of Pretrail

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Rafael Gomiero Pitta
Jéssica Amanda Fachin


The purpose of this paper is, after analyze the main characteristics of the pretrial phase of the US system, consider some aspects of that country's system and propose solutions to problems experienced in the Brazilian judicial culture. To achieve this goal we must first investigate various systems, understand the procedural culture rooted in operators deploy a more open vision and above all, know their own legal culture, understand it deeply and question it for its methods and its results.


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How to Cite
Pitta, R. G., & Fachin, J. A. (2015). Prospects of Brazilian Civil Procedure Law from the Study of Pretrail. Revista Cidadania E Acesso à Justiça, 1(1), 950–966.
Author Biographies

Rafael Gomiero Pitta, Faculdade Unilondrina - Londrina - PR

Atualmente é professor e Coordenador do Núcleo de Prática Jurídica na Faculdade Unilondrina e professor na Faculdade Catuaí.

Jéssica Amanda Fachin, Faculdade Unilondrina - Londrina - PR

Possui Mestrado em Ciência Jurídica. Atualmente é professora na UNILONDRINA - PR


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