International Treaties Tax Law in Brazilian Law

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Milena Zampieri Sellmann


International agreements are the primary source of obligations internationally, whi- ch generate reflections in national law. They have been extremely used in tax harvest because they avoid double taxation and reduce tax burden in international trade. They are formal sources of tax law, which the legislature is expressly recognized in Article 96 of the National Tax Code to set the “tax legislation” expression. Article 98 of the Code determines the supremacy of international tax agreements over national law. Against the odds, international tax agreements do not revoke or modify the national legislation, just limit the effectiveness of national law incompatible with them, with supra-legal hierarchy and infra-constitution. They are above national law, either after or before it is created, and are below the Federal Constitution, so agreements incompatible with it should not be approved by Congress and, if so, they will be subject to declaration of unconstitutionality by the Supreme Court. It is a reporting case the international agreement’s unconstitutio- nality after it is celebrated.


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How to Cite
SELLMANN, Milena Zampieri. International Treaties Tax Law in Brazilian Law. Conpedi Law Review, Florianopolis, Brasil, v. 1, n. 16, p. 96–114, 2016. DOI: 10.26668/2448-3931_conpedilawreview/2015.v1i16.3550. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 nov. 2024.
Author Biography

Milena Zampieri Sellmann, Doutora especialista em Direito pela PUC-SP.

Professora nos cursos de graduação e pós-graduação (especialização e mestrado) do Unisal de Lorena. Professora do Damásio Educacional e da Faculdade de Direito Damásio de Jesus. Advogada.


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