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Lafayette Pozzoli
Ilton Garcia da Costa
Rogério Cangussu Dantas Cachichi
Gilmar Assis Siqueira


The purpose of this article is to analyze the APAC method in the light of the community participation. This humanized method of enforcement of judgment has twelve foundations that are confirmed by the current Penal Execution Law. The first of these foundations is the participation of the community, which is essential for the application of the APAC method. This foundation will be analyzed from the perspective of communitarianism in order to demonstrate that the contact of the prisoner with his community of origin has benefits both for him (in stimulating the virtues from the human dignity) and for his community (which will receive him after serving his sentence). The research was developed using the hypothetical-deductive approach method, the comparative procedure, the indirect documentation technique, the bibliographic research: in books and legal journals; documentary; legislation and on electronic websites.


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How to Cite
POZZOLI, Lafayette; COSTA, Ilton Garcia da; CACHICHI, Rogério Cangussu Dantas; SIQUEIRA, Gilmar Assis. COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION IN THE APAC METHOD: AN EFFECTIVE TOOL OF THE PENAL EXECUTION LAW. Revista de Direito Brasileira, Florianopolis, Brasil, v. 29, n. 11, p. 324–341, 2022. DOI: 10.26668/IndexLawJournals/2358-1352/2021.v29i11.6856. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 dec. 2024.
Author Biographies

Lafayette Pozzoli, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC-SP, São Paulo, SP

Professor at the Faculty of Law and was Chief of Staff at PUC-SP. He was Dean of Graduate Studies, Research and Extension, Coordinator of the Master's in Law and professor at UNIVEM. Graduated, Master and Doctorate in Philosophy of Law from PUC-SP. Postdoctoral fellow at La Sapienza University, Rome. Lawyer. He was leader of the Research Group: GEP Study and Research Group - Law and Fraternity - Univem. Member of the Editorial Board of EM TEMPO Magazine, Revista de Direito Brasileira - RDBras, CONPEDI, Editora Letras Jurídica and Editora Instituto Memória. Evaluator for INEP / MEC law courses. He was a member of the Legal Education Commission, the Ethics Court - TED-1 and the OAB / SP Commission on Persons with Disabilities. He was an effective partner at IASP - São Paulo Lawyers Institute. Member of UJUCASP. Research themes: dignity of the human person, ethics, law and fraternity, law as a promotional function of the human person.

Ilton Garcia da Costa, Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná - Uenp, Jacarezinho, PR

Doctor of Law from PUC-SP Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, Master of Law from PUC-SP, Master of Business Administration from UNIBERO Centro Universitário Ibero Americano, graduated in Law from Universidade Paulista UNIP, graduated in Mathematics from Universidade Guarulhos UNG, Specialization in Financial Administration by Fundação Escola Alvares Penteado, Specialization in Futures Markets by BMF - USP, Specialization in Professional Training in Germany. Course and institutional evaluator at INEP - MEC Ministry of Education and Culture, Lawyer in charge of Segpraxis Advocacia, Mathematician, Professor at UENP - State University of Northern Paraná with a PhD, Master and Law Degree, Member of E-Justicia Latinoamerica, Member from the Board of CONPEDI National Council for Research and Graduate Studies in Law, Member of the board of directors of the Jacques Maritain Institute of Brazil, Leader of the Research / Investigation Group in Constitution, Education, Labor Relations and Social Organizations - GPCERTOS, registered with CNPq. He was: Assistant Secretary of Education and Executive Director of the Social Security Institute of the Municipality of Ourinhos SP, Member of the Advisory Committee for the Area of Applied Social Sciences of the Araucária Foundation to Support Scientific and Technological Development of the State of Paraná, Superintendent Director of Planning and Controls Banco BAQ and Banco Crefisul, Member of the Fiscal Council and Director of the Law Course at Ibirapuera University UNIB, Coordinator of the Law Course at Faculdade Anchieta de SBC, Member of CAAP - Project Analysis Committee of the Sports Incentive Law of State of São Paulo, Vice President of the Legal Education Commission, President of the Internship Committee, effective member of the Constitutional Law Commission, of the State Religious Freedom and Citizenship Commission. Has experience in Law and Finance, acting on the following subjects: Law, Education, Teaching, Administration, Finance, Insurance, Management and Evaluation.

Rogério Cangussu Dantas Cachichi, Centro Universitário Eurípedes de Marília - UNIVEM, Marília, SP

Master in Law from the Eurípedes de Marília University Center (2019) under the guidance of Prof.Dr. Lafayette Pozzoli and co-supervision by Prof. Dr. Ilton Garcia da Costa. Graduated in Philosophy from the State University of Londrina (2011). Former Attorney of the Municipality of Cubatão / SP (1999). Former Attorney of the National Treasury (2000). Federal magistrate (2002) - Federal Justice of the Judiciary Section of Paraná. Honorary member of E-Justicia Latinoamérica (2013). Effective Member of the Brazilian Association of Constitutional Procedural Law (2020).

Gilmar Assis Siqueira, Centro Universitário Eurípedes de Marília - UNIVEM, Marília, SP

Master's student in Law at Eurípides de Marília University Center - UNIVEM. Bachelor of Law from the State University of Northern Paraná, Research themes: Law and Literature; Philosophy of law; Catholic Philosophy; Christian Humanism; Hispanic Traditionalism; Ethics, Law and Fraternity; Law as a promotional function of the human person; Dignity of human person.


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