The Incarceration Event from XIX Century Until the Second Half of XX Century and the Search for Overcoming the False Speech of Right to Security and Strengthening of Law

Tiago de Souza Fuzari


The research intend to analyze, using a historical-analytical method, the incarceration event over modern history and identify its determinative elements. To thus achieve its scope to demystify the idea that the way to oppose the crime is restricted to incarceration and shows yours the relationship with precarious movements of social and economic rights. For to do that, the text shows, in the first moment, the historical reconstruction of the liberal state, for identify how the socio economic occurrences and how the law view from that time exercised some influence in the incarceration event. After to do that first objective, the text tries to analyze incarceration that started again in the 1980 decade and relates it with the influences of neoliberal thought and "Law and Order" politics.


Encarceramento, Estado liberal, Neoliberalismo, Lei e ordem


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