Natural Subterranean Caves: The Hypothesis of Intervention And Compensatory Measures in Brazil

Jhenne Celly Pimentel de Brito, Ricardo Carneiro


Considering the importance of the preservation of the environment and the cultural patrimony of Brazil, including the speleological patrimony, and the existing conflict resulted by the development of economic activities in cave zones, the present article displays the analyses of the hypothesis of intervention in natural subterranean caves located in Brazil and the occurring compensatory measures, regarding the stated in Decree 99.556, of 10.01.1990, altered by the Decree 6.640, of 11.07.2008, and in Law 6.938, of 08.31.1981, in parallel with the viability dealt by enterprises in the accomplishment of the compensatory measure, concerning the preserved caves.


Natural subterranean cave, Caves, Compensation


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Revista de Direito, Economia e Desenvolvimento Sustentável, Florianópolis (SC), e-ISSN: 2526-0057

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