Game Theory and the Law: Understanding the Applicability of Game Theory to Law From a Study of Gun Jumping and Intellectual Property Games

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Ananda Portes Souza
Andre Costa Ferreira de Belfort Teixeira


Game theory has been constantly used as a tool for modeling strategic decision making, reaching from mathematics, where the theory was developed, to economy and politics. However, even though legal professionals are essentially decision makers, game theory is rarely used as a tool to help the legal decision maker, so as to allow that decision maker to know possible decisions and potential outcomes. The present paper aims to develop a brief study of the applicability of game theory to law, as a means to set it as a tool available to legal professionals as decision makers. With that goal, the paper is divided into three parts: in the first part, a brief introduction to game theory is had; in the second part, game theory is used as a tool to understand the research and development investment and intellectual property protection games; in the third part, game theory is used to justify the existence of gun jumping protection through the Cournot duopoly game.


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How to Cite
Souza, A. P., & Belfort Teixeira, A. C. F. de. (2015). Game Theory and the Law: Understanding the Applicability of Game Theory to Law From a Study of Gun Jumping and Intellectual Property Games. Revista De Direito, Inovação, Propriedade Intelectual E Concorrência, 1(1), 21–41.
Author Biographies

Ananda Portes Souza, Humberto Theodoro Jr. Advogados Associados, HTJ, Brasil.

Mestranda em Direito pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais Brasil. Advogada Associada do Humberto Theodoro Jr. Advogados Associados. 

Andre Costa Ferreira de Belfort Teixeira, Belfort & Moreira Advogados, B&M, Brasil.

Mestrando em Direito pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais Brasil. Sócio da Belfort & Moreira Advogados.


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