Justice From the Perspective of World Literature's Classic Works: Antigone, the Merchant of Venice and the Trial.

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Simone Peixoto Ferreira Porto


Through a foray into world literature's classic works: Antigone, The Merchant of Venice and The Trial, this study aims to investigate the intimate relationship of the literature with the law over the centuries, emphasizing its role as a disseminatig instrument of social critique of power relations. Thus, with footstool in these literary works, its reseach problem is the comparative examination of conceptions of justice drawn from such literary works since classical antiquity throughout the middle ages to modernity with its various shapes and forms of understanding the law according to the degree of complexity of human groups in history.


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How to Cite
PORTO, Simone Peixoto Ferreira. Justice From the Perspective of World Literature’s Classic Works: Antigone, the Merchant of Venice and the Trial. Revista de Direito, Arte e Literatura, Florianopolis, Brasil, v. 2, n. 1, p. 235–252, 2016. DOI: 10.26668/IndexLawJournals/2525-9911/2016.v2i1.648. Disponível em: https://indexlaw.org/index.php/revistadireitoarteliteratura/article/view/648. Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.
Author Biography

Simone Peixoto Ferreira Porto, Associação Educacional Boa Viagem - AEBV, Pernambuco (Brasil)

Especialização em Direito Judiciário e Magistratura do Trabalho pela Associação Educacional Boa Viagem - AEBV, Pernambuco (Brasil). Técnico de Auditoria das Contas Públicas pelo Tribunal de Contas de Pernambuco - TCE, Pernambuco (Brasil)


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