The Foundations of Contemporary State: The Chalenges Between State and Civil Society.

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Kledson Manuel Castanheira Rodrigues


The overuse of words as “citizenship” and third sector in the largest country in south America has continually exploded with numbers of people of various demanding claims. As a allegedly industrialized country Brazil cannot cover the very basics requests for a simple living standard in its soil. The concepts of rights and citizenship remain contentious. What the world witnessed this year 2014 was a convulsion of a system that’s not be able to fulfilled or content a mass of human beings who are starting to realize the failures and insufficiency from the third sector.


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RODRIGUES, Kledson Manuel Castanheira. The Foundations of Contemporary State: The Chalenges Between State and Civil Society. Revista de Teorias e Filosofias do Estado, Florianopolis, Brasil, v. 2, n. 1, p. 129–148, 2016. DOI: 10.26668/IndexLawJournals/2525-9652/2016.v2i1.1147. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.
Author Biography

Kledson Manuel Castanheira Rodrigues, Associação Sul Paranaense, ASP - PR

É professor na Associação Sul Paranaense, ASP - PR. Mestrando em Direito pelo Centro Universitário Curitiba, UNICURITIBA - PR.


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