How do Judges Make their Decisions? Notes about the Behavior in Legal Decisions

Rafael Guimarães Abras Oliveira


The aim of this paper is to present, basically, the judge's behavior throught three different perspectives: the political, the legal and the realistic points of view. From the political point of view, Law is seen as an instrument used to get to a certain goal, and the subject is only the agent that causes consequences on the community. How to get to a certain goal? From the legal point of view, even though it is possible to, using policy, reinforce the necessary instruments of the legal order,it should not interfere in policy, but should be built according to institucionalized principles and law. The perspective of what should be precedes the subject, in a way that the subject, from the legal point of view, is the one that should or shouldn't do something. Both political and legal point of view start from the abstract subject, the subject that acts as his will (policy) or the legal law (Law). This is why the third perspective, the realistic point of view, describes the real subject, while the real man, inserted in the social order, acts in the legal decisions. Because of that, the present paper presents notes about the judge's behavior in the three perspectives shown.


Behavior; Decision; Judge


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