Circumstances Favoring the Judiciary in the Discussion and Settlement of Political and Social Issues

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Lilian Muniz Bakhos
Patricia Cristina Vasques De Souza Gorisch


This study is a specific analysis of the circumstances favoring the important role currently developed by the judiciary in the enforcement of social rights, protecting the interests of minorities and political debate, focusing especially on the crisis of representation and the rising tide of democracy - trademarks of the national crisis.


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How to Cite
Bakhos, L. M., & Vasques De Souza Gorisch, P. C. (2016). Circumstances Favoring the Judiciary in the Discussion and Settlement of Political and Social Issues. Teorias Do Direito E Realismo Jurídico, 2(1), 106–126.
Author Biographies

Lilian Muniz Bakhos, Universidade Católica de Santos - UNISANTOS, Santos.

Doutoranda em Direito pela Universidade Católica de Santos. Advogada.

Patricia Cristina Vasques De Souza Gorisch, Universidade Católica de Santos - UNISANTOS, Santos.

Doutoranda em Direito Ambiental Internacional pela Universidade Católica de Santos. Docente da Universidade Católica de Santos. 


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