The Civil Identity Registry Unification and Personal Data Protection in Brazil
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There has long been treated the idea of discipline society and control society, dealing, for example, the works of Michel Foucault and Gilles Deleuze. The contemporary brought numerous developments in relation to the concepts assigned by Foucault and Deleuze, and many of these results were predicted by the analysis of events by these thinkers, however we are still in search for understanding the evolution of societies in relation to power and its maintenance, Law, Ethics, and possible future social outcomes. It is necessary to understand the dialectics of this topic to understand the current situation and thinking about the future. The scope of this paper is to understand the social control and the ramifications of power called the Information Society, both in public and in the private sphere. The state of the art, with the advent of internet, it is significant in the history of communications in terms of speed and agility. In light of the theoretical framework chosen for the development of this paper, the control is established by the idea of discipline and the society of control is the successor to the disciplinary paradigm (the discipline is already incorporated). For Deleuze, surveillance and monitoring activities are forms of control, ie, the reinvention of Jeremy Bentham’s panopticon. The ramifications of this form of society make use of the internet and its easy access to propagate the largest number of people possible, whether through social networking programs, reality shows, including surveillance cameras, just like George Orwell referred in his book 1984. We intend to analyze the information quickly overcomes the lack of security, given that it is today, for example, cases such as the Steering Committee of the National Civil Identification Record System - Brazilian Sirc, just implement a project- emission pilot of the new ID card - RIC, where you may have a unification of personal data and the bureaucracy of citizen service services. Article search thus demonstrate, through hypothetical-deductive method, the urgency of adopting a specific law on the protection of personal data in Brazil. To this end, it comes to point out that privacy and forms of protection are usually aligned with the technology available in each season and, with the advent of so-called Information Society captained especially the Internet and the instant and ubiquitous circulation of data it provides. The article demonstrates that even public agencies, such as the Sirc, respect the constitutional principles aimed at protecting the privacy of citizens, a fact that confirms and justifies the initial hypothesis of this work, which is, as stated, the demonstration of urgency the institution in Brazil, a specific law on personal data protection.
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