Right to Health, negate theories , Lottery and Minimum Decent

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Edith Maria Barbosa Ramos
Paulo Roberto Barbosa Ramos


It approaches the theory that deny the right to health in order to highlight the fragility of arguments and demonstrate the ability to build a ethical justification for gua- ranteeing the right to health. Highlights the complexity of the right to health and the universality of their ownership, as well as discusses the identification of the right to health with the right to social assistance. It analyzes the theories of denial of the right to health from a proposal that presents libertarian. Noteworthy is the discussion on the relations proposed by this theory, between the right to health and the right to property, in order to justify the setting of a minimal state. We put in evidence the idea of  n atural and social lotteries, the duty of beneficence and the idea of   decent minimum, to introduce a reflec- tion on the health market.


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How to Cite
Ramos, E. M. B., & Ramos, P. R. B. (2016). Right to Health, negate theories , Lottery and Minimum Decent. Conpedi Law Review, 1(2), 201–225. https://doi.org/10.26668/2448-3931_conpedilawreview/2015.v1i2.3382


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