The Dimensions of Society Through the Meta Theory of Fraternal Law: A Space for the Analysis of the Right to Health

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Janaína Machado Sturza
Sandra Regina Martini


The theoretical matrices of the metatheory of the Fraternal Right indicate new perspectives for the cosmopolitan society, hence it seeks the transdisciplinary analysis of society and its social phenomena. In this scenario we find the socio-legal contributions to rethink health and its social determinants. Therefore, this article aims to foster the interlocution between society, law and fraternity, in the attempt to effect and protect rights such as health. Through a bibliographical study, taking as hypothetic-deductive approach, it was verified that the Fraternal Right is consolidated as an instrument based on human rights and humanity as a common place.



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How to Cite
Sturza, J. M., & Martini, S. R. (2016). The Dimensions of Society Through the Meta Theory of Fraternal Law: A Space for the Analysis of the Right to Health. Revista De Sociologia, Antropologia E Cultura Jurídica, 2(2), 990–1008.
Author Biographies

Janaína Machado Sturza, Universidade do vale dos Sinos, Unisinos – RS

Pós doutoranda em Direito no PPGD da Universidade do vale dos Sinos, Unisinos – RS, (Brasil). Professora na graduação em Direito e no Mestrado em Direitos Humanos da Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, UNIJUI – RS, (Brasil)

Sandra Regina Martini, Universidade do vale dos Sinos, Unisinos – RS

Pós doutora em Direito pela Roma Tre University – Roma, (Italia) e Pós doutora em Políticas Públicas Universidade de Salerno, UNISA, (Italia). Professora titular na Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos,UNISINOS – RS, (Brasil).


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