The Citizenship Standard of the Law nº 5.709/1971, for Acquisition of Countryside Real Estate by Societies

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Victor Fróis Rodrigues


This work aims to present and analyze a legal controversy about the constitutional reception of the paragraph 1º, article 1º, of the Law nº 5.709/71, which establishes a distinction between different kinds of national societies. As will be demonstrated, the law in reference discriminates national societies for being controlled or not non-residents foreign in the country, for the application of the restrictions on countryside real estate acquisition. The theme is interesting because of the recent understanding change made by the Advocacia- Geral da União through the opinion nº LA 01/2010, ratified by the Republic President and causing effects throughout the federal public administration. In this context, the Conselho Nacional  de  Justiça  also  spoke  about  the  matter  to  harmonize  procedures  within  the framework of the notaries. Until now the Brazilian Supreme Court has not been called up to judge the constitutionality of the matter, opening room for a paradigm shift.


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How to Cite
RODRIGUES, Victor Fróis. The Citizenship Standard of the Law nº 5.709/1971, for Acquisition of Countryside Real Estate by Societies. Revista de Direito Agrário e Agroambiental, Florianopolis, Brasil, v. 1, n. 1, p. 201–220, 2016. DOI: 10.26668/IndexLawJournals/2526-0081/2015.v1i1.326. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.
Author Biography

Victor Fróis Rodrigues, Faculdades Milton Campos - FMC

Mestrando em Direito pela Faculdades Milton Campos - FMC


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