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Nicholas Salles Fernandes Silva Torres
Lívia Gaigher Bósio Campello


The intensification of extreme weather events caused by climate changes has contributed to the massive displacement of people in the most vulnerable regions, causing an unprecedented migratory flow. Given this situation, and given the low capacity of resilience of the population and of the States that suffer such natural consequences, particularly in developing countries and small island countries, there is a growing concern about the lack of legal protection to such individuals. Therefore, because of the lack of adequate international protection for environmental refugees and an alarming regulatory gap, it is necessary to adopt urgent measures for the protection, mitigation and adaptation to minimize the impacts caused by climate change and protect the most vulnerable populations, forced to leave their States in search of better living conditions. In the present bibliographical and documentary research, the deductive method was used.


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Comment citer
Torres, N. S. F. S., & Campello, L. G. B. (2017). CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE LEGAL TREATMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REFUGEES. Revista De Direito Brasileira, 17(7), 141–153.
Bibliographies de l'auteur

Nicholas Salles Fernandes Silva Torres, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul - UFMS.

Ongoing Master degree in Law at Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul - UFMS and at Escola Paulista de Direito - EPD. Postgraduation in Public Law, Business Law and Notarial Law. Real Estate Registry Officer.

Lívia Gaigher Bósio Campello, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul - UFMS.

Post-doctorate in State Law at Universidade de São Paulo. Permanent Professor of the Master's Program in Human Rights at UFMS.


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