The Effects of the Nullity of the Individual Contract of Employment with the Public Administration, in the Light of art. 37, II, of the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil of 1988

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Fábio Túlio Barroso
Daniela da Rocha Brandão


As a general rule, the hiring of employees, within the scope of the Brazilian public administration, depends on the approval of a public tender and it is mandatory, in accordance with art. 37, II, of the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988, in verbis: "The investiture in public office or employment depends on prior approval in a public competition for tests or evidence, according to the nature and complexity of the position or employment, as provided for by Law, except for the appointments to a commission position declared by law as of free appointment and exemption.” Therefore, in the scope of the typology of Brazilian public employees, due to their different natures, there will be established different legal regimes which, in turn, will determine the type of contract; even if the form of access to a public position is always through public tender, except for the casuistry expressly provided by law (positions of trust and commissioned).


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BARROSO, Fábio Túlio; BRANDÃO, Daniela da Rocha. The Effects of the Nullity of the Individual Contract of Employment with the Public Administration, in the Light of art. 37, II, of the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil of 1988. Revista de Direito do IAP, Florianopolis, Brasil, v. 1, n. 1, p. 71–82, 2016. DOI: 10.21902/2526-1592/2016.v1i1.1742. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 nov. 2024.
Author Biographies

Fábio Túlio Barroso, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE, Pernambuco (Brasil)

Abogado. Postdoctorado en Derecho del Trabajo por la Universidad de Granada - UGR, Granada (España). Doctor por la Universidad de Deusto - deusto, Bizkaia (Dep. Derecho del Trabajo). Profesor de Derecho del Trabajo de la UFPE (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE, Pernambuco (Brasil)

Daniela da Rocha Brandão, Universidade Cândido Mendes - UCAM, Rio de Janeiro, (Brasil)

Abogada. Doctora por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela - USC, Coruña (Espanha). Profesora de Derecho Tutelar del Trabajo en el Posgrado de la Universidade Cândido Mendes - UCAM, Rio de Janeiro, (Brasil)


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