Animal Protection in the Lands of Pacha Mama: The Insufficiency of the Proposed Law Organic Animal Welfare in Ecuador

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José Carlos Machado Júnior


Considering that the Pacha Mama is subject of right in the Ecuadorian Constitution, this project analyzes the rights of animals in Ecuador according to its Civil Code and its proposal for the Animal Welfare Act. For comparison purposes the laws of other countries that recognize the sentience of animals are quoted. The conclusion is that despite the paradigm of the Andean constitutionalism, Equatorian animals are legally considered things, a reality that will not change if approved the Law of Animal Welfare. The deductive method is used with bibliographic research and analysis of foreign law.


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How to Cite
Machado Júnior, J. C. (2016). Animal Protection in the Lands of Pacha Mama: The Insufficiency of the Proposed Law Organic Animal Welfare in Ecuador. Revista De Biodireito E Direito Dos Animais, 2(2), 38–55.
Author Biography

José Carlos Machado Júnior, Escola Superior Dom Helder Câmara, Belo Horizonte, MG

Mestre em Direito (ESDHC-MG).


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