The State-Society Relationship Through the Perspective of Political Philosophy: A Dialogue with Edmund Burke and Michael Oakeshott

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Vitor Moreno Soliano Pereira


The essay faces the traditional question about the type of relationship that should exist between civil society and state. Initially, unpacks the characteristics that mark the Anglo- American  tradition.  Following  analyzes  the  thought  of  two  fundamental  political philosophers who have received little attention in the academic community: Edmund Burke and Michael Oakeshott. Separated by more than two centuries, the authors advocate a specific type of relationship between civil society and state from similar assumptions, advocating for the existence of a society unmediated by state structures. Concludes with the attempted refutation of the "fallacy of planning."


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How to Cite
PEREIRA, Vitor Moreno Soliano. The State-Society Relationship Through the Perspective of Political Philosophy: A Dialogue with Edmund Burke and Michael Oakeshott. Revista de Teorias e Filosofias do Estado, Florianopolis, Brasil, v. 2, n. 1, p. 92–111, 2016. DOI: 10.26668/IndexLawJournals/2525-9652/2016.v2i1.1145. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.
Author Biography

Vitor Moreno Soliano Pereira, Universidade Salvador, UNIFACS, - BA

Mestre em Direito Público (UFBA).Professor Adjunto e pesquisador da Universidade Salvador (UNIFACS). É advogado.


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