Right to Development and Right to the City : A Proposal of Human Rights Categories Universal as assumptions Citizenship

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Alessandra Danielle Carneiro dos Santos Hilário
Maria Luiza Pereira de Alencar Mayer Feitosa


This article discusses the Right to the City, in a conceptual dimension and wide, and his dialectical relationship with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 and its universalism and cultural relativism categories. The Right to the City (RtC) is capitula- ted as one of the categories of the Human Right to Development from the compartments on Human Rights to descend from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Linked to this assumption, the discussion of universalism and cultural relativism theories bring to the fore important questions and considerations as to RtC condition, since in its current design and trampled by an evil legacy of neoliberalism, this right has demonstrated the need for authoritative action of the State, given the nature of fundamental human right of the third dimension. Through RtC, boasts up of economic, social and cultural rights, requiring a positive action of the state as compliance guarantee this human right. In this bias, relevant are discussions about the concept of law, morality, liberalism, effectiveness and universality of human rights theories and cultural relativism in dialectic with the RtC and its complexity. It starts from the assumption that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other statements which have descended universality (despite criticism), however, this har- vest, it is imperative closer examination of the concept, forecast, guarantee and effective- ness fundamental human rights, which may lead to a mixed application of universalistic and relativistic theories when analyzed from the perspective of these institutes. The Hu- man Right to Development (RtD) presupposes notions of environmental sustainability and economic democracy, with qualified participation of social subjects (wide citizenship), seen continuous and articulated perspective as guiding the development process.


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HILÁRIO, Alessandra Danielle Carneiro dos Santos; FEITOSA, Maria Luiza Pereira de Alencar Mayer. Right to Development and Right to the City : A Proposal of Human Rights Categories Universal as assumptions Citizenship. Conpedi Law Review, Florianopolis, Brasil, v. 1, n. 2, p. 226–254, 2016. DOI: 10.26668/2448-3931_conpedilawreview/2015.v1i2.3383. Disponível em: https://indexlaw.org/index.php/conpedireview/article/view/3383. Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.


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