Contemporary Society and Participation: A Municipal Model of Democratic and Sustainable Development

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Rafael Copetti
José Renato Gaziero Cella


The study, from the hypothetical-deductive method, aims to analyze how governmental policies may compromise the democratic development through public policies of public
participation encourage. Initially are analyzed the characteristics of the current democratic societies and the importance of non-exclusion of the individuals. After, it is verified the characteristics of the participatory municipal budget program developed by public managers and is realized a reflection on the importance of popular participation to the achievement of a development model that enables democracy. In the end the importance of a participatory democracy and the development of public policies for social inclusion is concluded.


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How to Cite
COPETTI, Rafael; CELLA, José Renato Gaziero. Contemporary Society and Participation: A Municipal Model of Democratic and Sustainable Development. Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito, Florianopolis, Brasil, v. 2, n. 1, p. 94–111, 2016. DOI: 10.26668/IndexLawJournals/2526-012X/2016.v2i1.1714. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 nov. 2024.
Author Biography

Rafael Copetti, Tribunal Regional Eleitoral do Rio Grande do Sul, Cartório Eleitoral da 62ª ZE - Marau/RS.

Mestre em Direito, Democracia e Sustentabilidade pela Faculdade Meridional - IMED, (Brasil). Com Período Sanduíche em Universidad de Zaragoza, (Espanaha). Analista Judiciário - Área Judiciária - do Tribunal Regional Eleitoral do Rio Grande do Sul, exercendo a Chefia do Cartório da 62ª Zona Eleitoral - Marau/RS.


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