Sustainability, Risk Society and Genetically Modified Foods: Definitions Disputes and the Bill Nº 4.148/08

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Maria Claudia da Silva Antunes de Souza
João Luiz de Carvalho Botega


The paper has for object the analysis of the Bill n. 4.148/08, which significantly changes the way the labeling of GM foods, replacing the currently existing symbol by a phrase inserted between other label data. It is the goal of the reserach to show that this proposal, beyond a mere legislative amendment least, is embedded in a much larger context and is living proof of the hypothesis of Professor Ulrich Beck that socially recognized risks would be subject and object of definitions disputes much less depend on scientific knowledge of what actually the political game that involves power, money, information and media space. In addition, it follows the assertion  in response to the problem of the research  that, in the light of the sustainability paradigm, the PL 4.148/08 represents an environmental setback and itself a threat to the construction of this new ethical imperative. In the methodology we used the inductive method in the investigation phase; in the data processing phase the Cartesian method and in the research report was employed the inductive base. They were also triggered the techniques of reference, category, operational concepts, bibliographic research and book report.


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How to Cite
DE SOUZA, Maria Claudia da Silva Antunes; BOTEGA, João Luiz de Carvalho. Sustainability, Risk Society and Genetically Modified Foods: Definitions Disputes and the Bill Nº 4.148/08. Revista de Direito Agrário e Agroambiental, Florianopolis, Brasil, v. 1, n. 1, p. 01–19, 2016. DOI: 10.26668/IndexLawJournals/2526-0081/2015.v1i1.313. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 nov. 2024.
Author Biographies

Maria Claudia da Silva Antunes de Souza, Universidade do Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI.

Doutora em Direito Ambiental e Sustentabilidade pela Universidade de Alicante, Espanha.
Professora no Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Ciência Jurídica, nos cursos de Doutorado e Mestrado em Direito e na Graduação no Curso de Direito da Universidade do Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI

João Luiz de Carvalho Botega, Universidade do Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI

Mestrando em Ciência Jurídica na Universidade do Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI
Professor da Escola do Ministério Público do Estado de Santa Catarina, ESCOLA DO MPSC, Brasil.


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