Conteúdo do artigo principal

Jefferson Aparecido Dias
Gabriela Eulálio de Lima


The paper had as objective an analyze of the shared economy while world potency, leaving of the analysis accomplished by Antonio Negri in his book “La fábrica de porcelana”, specifically in the second chapter: “El trabajo de la multitud y el tejido biopolítico”, concerning the power of the multitud in accomplishing the biopolitics, being inverted, therefore, the logic of the power for the collectivity. It was demonstrated the inclusion of the model of the shared economy and the form how it is aiding the emergency of the consumption society before an alarming concern of the aspects of the sustainability. The research took care of pointing the changes presented by the shared economy, demonstrating in the one that they are interfering in the middle economical partner with the pure potency of the multitude, that is, without the control of the State, presenting real situations, cases of companies of the model, in order to turn the less theoretical and clearer debate to the reader. For so much, the deductive method of research was used, looking for in the legislation, bibliography and practical cases of companies of the shared model, necessary subsidies for the understanding of the theoretical context in a global way.


Detalhes do artigo

Como Citar
DIAS, Jefferson Aparecido; DE LIMA, Gabriela Eulálio. THE SHARED ECONOMY AS A WORLD POTENCY. Revista de Direito Brasileira, Florianopolis, Brasil, v. 17, n. 7, p. 178–190, 2017. DOI: 10.26668/IndexLawJournals/2358-1352/2017.v17i7.3075. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 mar. 2025.
Biografia do Autor

Jefferson Aparecido Dias, Universidade de Marília (UNIMAR)

Doutor em Direitos Humanos e Desenvolvimento pela Universidade Pablo de Olavide de Sevilha (Espanha), Procurador da República em Marília, Procurador Regional dos Direitos do Cidadão Substituto do Estado de São Paulo e Professor do Mestrado em Direito da Universidade de Marília (UNIMAR)

Gabriela Eulálio de Lima, UNIMAR (Universidade de Marília)

Mestre em Direito pela Universidade de Marília (UNIMAR) Master of Law from the Universidade de Marília (UNIMAR)


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