Community Forest Management in the Brazilian Amazon Scenario: Regulations for Wood Extraction by Traditional Populations Under Perspective of Justice in Nancy Fraser

Jéssica dos Santos Pacheco


This article analyzes the text of all rules regarding logging performed by traditional populations within the community and family forest management policy in order to determine whether, besides the search for income generation, differentiated socio-cultural conditions of the group are considered in that policy. The work is developed from the perspective of the theory of justice advocated by political philosopher Nancy Fraser through the work "From Redistribution to Recognition? Dilemmas of justice in a "post-socialist"", and it analyses national and international related legislation is analyzed, and conducted literature to build the theoretical framework of the current reality of community forest management. We conclude that, although it seeks to ensure access to income to traditionalpopulations through logging, the main standards of community forestry are marked by traits and requirements that despise differentiated culture of those groups, which have made impossible economic guarantees by activity. This way, the traditional populations are identified as bivalent collectives that require redistribution of economic and social wealth, while simultaneously recognizing their cultural identity to assure fair policies, which requires, in such a way, the current model of community forestry.


Community forest management; Justice; Nancy fraser; Lumber extraction; Traditional populations


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