A brief analysis of the provisions of Law no. 12,846 / 13 (Anti-corruption Act)

Cintia Barudi Lopes Morano


The central idea of this article is to analyze the main provisions of Law
No. 12,846 / 2013, known as the Anti-Corruption Act, for the punishment of legal persons involved in fraudulent in its relations with the Brazilian public administration, national or international acts. Strict liability of legal persons, compliance mechanisms, leniency agreements, penalties, administrative and judicial nature are the major focus of the present study.


Corruption, Administrative Misconduct, Law No. 12,846 / 13, strict liability of legal persons, leniency and compliance.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26668/IndexLawJournals/2358-1352/2015.v11i5.2946


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