Gülriz Uygur


This paper focuses on the intersection of vulnerability, suffering, and the law in the context of the February 2023 earthquakes in Turkey. The research critically examines the state's responsibility in addressing the vulnerabilities exacerbated by natural disasters. The paper argues that state institutions, by failing to act on prior knowledge and warnings about the earthquakes, displayed a form of culpable ignorance that intensified public vulnerability and suffering. The author draws upon Fineman's vulnerability theory and Fricker's concept of ignorance, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging and responding to inherent human vulnerabilities and societal inequalities in legal and governmental frameworks. The lack of institutional resilience and effective response in the wake of the disaster highlights the need for law and policies grounded in the reality of human vulnerability. The author also explores the role of solidarity in crisis management, suggesting that community efforts can somewhat mitigate the failures of state institutions. The article asserts that legal reforms and international recognition of state responsibility in disaster management are crucial for addressing structural inequalities and improving resilience against future disasters.


Vulnerability, Earthquake, State Responsibility, Legal Response, Human Suffering.

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